Friday Friday, Getting Down on Friday

Accomplishments this spring semester?
Our accomplishments this spring have been the improvements that our ELL kids have made in the past few months.  I can tell that the students I work one on one with are becoming stronger English speakers every week.  
What has been the greatest experience this past month volunteering with the agency?
This week was very hectic because of MAP testing. The little ELL students had a substitute teacher this Thursday and she was very excited to see me.  It made me feel good that she really needed and appreciated my help.  Sometimes I feel like the ELL teachers take us for granted but I am glad to know that my help was highly valued my the substitute teacher.
What has been your greatest challenge this past month volunteering with the agency?
This week was a bit rough.  I was working one-in-one with Bila, a second grade girl from the Philippines.  On Thursday we were reading books and going over food vocabulary with flash-cards.  Bila was not really in the mood to do anything and she kept saying that she just wanted to go home.  I asked which book she wanted to read and she said none… over and over till I made the executive decision.  When it came to the flash-cards, she was soo over doing work.  She knew all the words but getting her to practice her vocabulary was like pulling teeth.  In the end she did her work so that she could get a sticker.  Bila is a very sassy girl and even though she can be a handful sometimes, I really do like working with her.
What projects or activities do you still have planned to finish out the year?  
We have our big shopping trip for school supplies and games for the teachers at McGregor.  We are planning on making goody bags for all 86ish kids in the ELL program! Can’t wait for that.  
Ok thats it for me.  Now I gotta get down (because its Friday)!
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